PEG Training and Equipment Loan Program

Program managed by Edge


About PEG

Welcome to the PEG Training and Equipment Loan Program. This program provides training to municipal representatives who wish to produce programs for subsequent broadcast on their local PEG (Public, Education, Government) cable channels,

and also offers video production equipment loans to individuals who have successfully completed the required training. The PEG Training and Equipment Loan Program is administered by Edge.

Edge is pleased to be the recipient of the Verizon PEG funds. Through this program fund, video production and editing equipment and training programs are available for use in the development of local programming content that can be shown on local public, educational and governmental ("PEG") access channels. Edge manages the grant for Verizon as well as the interface with the participating County and Community colleges.

Verizon NJ PEG Training and Equipment Program Details
PEG - (Public, Education, Government Access) Channel Programming

Verizon NJ, in areas where Verizon NJ provides cable television service, and with the assistance of select New Jersey County and Community Colleges (see list below), makes equipment and training programs available to municipal-authorized representatives or residents for use in the development of local programming content that can be shown on local community public, educational or government ("PEG") access channels, pursuant to N. J.S. A. 48:SA-28(1). NJEdge is the program implementation coordinator for the PEG Training and Equipment Program (or the “Program”).

Through the Program, any municipal-authorized representative or resident can take a free Basic Video Production training course at a participating County or Community College and then be eligible to borrow a complete location video production system to record a community event or program. Once the video shoot is complete, the authorized representative or resident can edit the footage at the participating County or Community College in order to produce a complete video program, ready for broadcast on local PEG channels. An Advanced Video Production training course is also available, once the Basic Training has been successfully completed.

Participating County and Community Colleges are:
County/Community College Contact Information
Bergen Community College James Quimby -
Brookdale Community College Lauren Concar -
Essex County College Victoria Timpanaro -
Gloucester County Educational Network John Mondelli -
Mercer County Community College Steve Voorhees -
Ocean County College Lee Kobus -
Union County College Pat Gallagher -

Municipalities are encouraged to take advantage of this free program in order to increase the amount of locally produced programs on the PEG channels. For additional information, please contact PEG@NJEdge.NET or the local community college.

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